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Hit Songs Deconstructed is a must read for all Music Industry Professionals.

Who We Are

Utilized by songwriters, producers, music industry executives and universities throughout the world, Hit Songs Deconstructed is dedicated to providing its subscribers with an in-depth understanding of the craft and trends that shape TODAY’S chart-topping hits for success in TODAY’S music industry.

Why focus on current hits?

Because it’s just as important to be current & relevant with what’s going on today as it is to understand the craft that has defined hit songs throughout the ages.

What We Do

We break today’s hit songs down to their core, extract the craft that made them a hit, and provide you with the knowledge and best practices to help prime you for success in a very competitive, fast changing musical landscape, while remaining true to your own unique artistic vision.

Hit Songs Deconstructed is for the serious music professional.
Our comprehensive reports are utilized by:

  • The professional songwriter looking to keep their craft sharp and current
  • Producers who require the latest trends and techniques in shaping their artist’s songs for maximum impact
  • A&R’s who need to stay on top of mainstream music trends throughout the world
  • Publishers and creative directors who need to keep their writers at the top of their game
  • Production companies, advertising agencies & music libraries who require compositions that are fresh, current and relevant
  • Universities and academic institutions as a compendium to their music theory, songwriting and popular music courses
  • Music industry execs who need to stay on top of what’s in, what’s out and where things are going in the mainstream music scene
  • The aspiring songwriter looking to hone their craft and prime themselves for success