Hit Songs Deconstructed In The Classroom
Our academic subscription offers flexible and highly discounted yearly licenses, and provides academic institutions the rights to use Hit Songs Deconstructed Reports as a library resource and in the classroom.
Why should academic institutions subscribe to Hit Songs Deconstructed?
Hit Songs Deconstructed provides faculty with time-saving resources that can complement materials and topics being used in classes:
- Charts and graphs illustrating evolving hit songwriting trends
- A “library” of up-to-date analysis, graphs, and data that can be referenced at any time
- Trending techniques producers and writers are using
- Notation, lyrics, melody graphs, MTI / energy level diagrams, and much more
- Easy access to Top 10 Hit examples to complement topics being covered in the classroom
Each report is presented in an easy to follow manner:
- Take a deep dive into one report during a whole semester
- Reference the same section from multiple reports (primary instrumentation, intro, chorus, etc.)
- Easy navigation with “skip to” links to every report section
- Searchable archive makes it easy to pull up multiple reports on a specific topic
- All reports are interconnected and complimentary
Hit Songs Deconstructed is a valuable library resource for both faculty and students. Reports include:
- Impartial data as well as insightful analysis
- Reference the same section from multiple reports (primary instrumentation, intro, chorus, etc.)
- Most common and proven techniques that make hit songs so infections, engaging and memorable
- The rule breakers – how going against the grain and pushing the boundaries can lead to success
- Trends over time